Ryan White Project

Providing a coordinated response to the HIV epidemic in the Metropolitan Atlanta Area.

General HIV Info

  • Click the link to visit website AIDS.gov
  •  Speak with a CDC representative about HIV care or resource concerns The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) National AIDS Hotline (800) CDC-INFO | 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST Monday through Friday Visit site
  • Connect with a public health professional for information on HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and STDs. National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) (800) 458-5231 | 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST Monday through Friday Visit site
  • Speak with Project Inform staff about HIV management, medication, and care access questions and concerns. Project Inform Hepatitis and HIV Health InfoLines Hepatitis C Helpline: 1-877-435-7443 | 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST Monday through Friday HIV Health InfoLine: 1-800-822-7422 | 10 a.m. to 4 p.m PST Monday through Friday Visit site
  • Get confidential answers to your questions about HIV/AIDS treatment and clinical trials from Health information specialists. AIDSinfo Helpline 1-800-448-0440 | 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday Visit site
  • Positively! HIV Self-Management Videos Click here Positively! videos use a combination of testimonials, conversations, narrative, and animation to provide key messages about HIV based on health literacy concepts. The videos are designed as a resource for people with HIV, or to start discussions between HIV providers and their clients. Viewers may follow printed text, and can verify that they have mastered the content by answering a few self-check questions at the end of most segments. The videos include links to additional on-line information. For questions or comments, the Positively! Facebook page is www.facebook/PositivelyNQC. Positively! is available here. A non-interactive version is also available for computers or smart-phones here.
  • Positively! videos: 
    • Newly HIV Positive speaks to the concerns of people who just learned they have HIV
    • How People Get HIV explains how HIV passes from one person to another and how to stay safe, and reviews common HIV myths
    • HIV in the Body shows what HIV does inside the body, and why there’s no cure
    • How HIV Medicine Works explains that there’s hope and help from HIV medicine
    • Managing HIV provides a program for living long and living strong with HIV, and
    • HIV and Real Life gives tips for facing life’s challenges.