Ryan White Project

For You

We fund care for people living with HIV, regardless of ability to pay. The Ryan White and Ending the HIV Epidemic programs provide assistance with medical and non-medical services. Find out if you’re eligible here:

For Everyone

Please click here to learn more about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and locations where you can access services from local providers:

For Community

Join other consumers and get involved with the Atlanta Eligible Metropolitan Area Ryan White Planning Council! We want consumers to drive decisions around client care, so please join us! Find out when our next meeting is scheduled here:

Positive & Proud

“Positive & Proud” is a slogan developed by focus group participants that are living with HIV. This section contains stories of community members that receive our services. These stories include their personal journeys, trials, triumphs and experiences with Department for HIV Elimination services.

Community Happenings

Are You A Provider?

Stay Informed & Sign Up for DHE’s Monthly Viral Suppression Bulletin