Ryan White Project

Ryan White Part A Program

Who Was Ryan White?

Ryan White was a young man from Indiana who acquired HIV through a contaminated blood treatment he received as part of his therapy to address his hemophilia.

Ryan was diagnosed with HIV at the age of 13 in December 1984 when little was known about the disease and there were few medical therapies. While in middle school, the school district barred him from attending classes. Ryan and his mother, Jeanne White Ginder, fought to educate the community about HIV and to gain the right to return to school.

After moving to Cicero, Indiana Ryan was able to go to school. Ryan’s efforts to educate the public did not stop there and he went on to meet with several Members of Congress about the need for comprehensive services to care for persons living with HIV.

In 1990, four months after Ryan’s death at the age of 18, Congress enacted the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act. It is this legislation (as amended over the years) that supports Fulton County’s Ryan White Program to serve qualifying individuals in the 20-county Atlanta Eligible Metropolitan Area.

Ryan White

Ryan White Part A

The Ryan White Part A (RWPA) Program funds core medical and support services for low-income, uninsured, and underinsured individuals affected by HIV in the 20-County Atlanta EMA. Part A serves people living with HIV often dealing with barriers to care such as homelessness, poverty, other medical conditions, and lacking health insurance and/or having trouble with insurance deductibles and co-pays. RWPA funds continue to be used to address service needs and gaps.

Part A: By The Numbers


Grant Year 2023 Award


Clients Served


Services Provided

Prescribed ART

Viral Load Suppression

RWPA - Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI)

MAI: By The Numbers


Grant Year 2023 Award


Clients Served


Services Provided

Prescribed ART

Viral Load Suppression

Part A 2023 Grant Year Impact

Outpatient Medical Care

15,721 clients served
127,873 services provided

Substance Abuse Outpatient Care

879 clients served
13,511 services provided

Dental Care

2,521 clients served
12,565 visits provided

Case Management

5,766 clients served
47,153 services provided

Mental Health Services

2,836 clients served
27,043 sessions provided

Medical Nutrition Therapy

375 clients served
38,717 visits provided

Health Insurance Payment Assistance

301 clients served
342 co-payments covered

Child Care Services

61 clients served
126 services provided

Medical Transportation

3,456 clients served
16,900 trips provided

Food Bank & Home Delivered Meals

2,367 clients served
242,449 meals provided

Translation Services

480 clients served
1,890 services provided

Legal Services

248 clients served
3,709 services provided

Peer Support

1,592 clients served
3,469 sessions provided

Referral for Healthcare & Supportive Services

7,884 clients served
23,186 services provided

Emergency Financial Assistance

31 clients served
51 services provided

Minority AIDS Initiative 2023 Grant Year Impact

Outpatient Medical Care

583 clients served
3,555 services provided

Case Management

539 clients served
8,940 services provided

Health Insurance Payment Assistance

263 clients served
296 co-payments covered

Medical Transportation

4 clients served
5 trips provided

Food Bank & Home Delivered Meals

289 clients served
671 meals provided

Referral for Healthcare & Supportive Services

252 clients served
960 services provided