Ryan White Project


I have been living with HIV since 2000. There was a time when I ignored my diagnosis. Then I got sick and from that point on I knew that I had to get serious about my health. There were times when I was working I...

Vivo con el VIH desde el año 2000. Hubo un tiempo en que ignoré mi diagnóstico. Luego me enfermé y desde ese momento supe que tenía que tomarme en serio mi salud. Hubo momentos en que estaba trabajando y podía pagar un seguro de salud...

As a Black, Southern Transgender Woman, Ryan White services allowed me to have excellent healthcare, mental health services, and stable housing so that I can continue to focus on my transition for a healthier life....

I benefited from access to services and medications during a long period I worked for myself and later in life during a lapse in insurance. During the initial period of receiving services through Ryan White, I had access to the things that I needed, which...

I have been using Ryan White services since 2019. This service has really changed my life for the better...

This month makes 30 years that I have been living with HIV. I was 19 when I was diagnosed, and I thought my life was over. I spent 15 years untreated just waiting to start dying. I started treatment in 2007 and was undetectable within...

I was diagnosed with full blown AIDS in 2003 (with 96 T-Cells and a viral load over 100,000). It took years to overcome the sigma of walking into a building where AIDS was on the sign, or the primary focus was men who have sex...